The Properties of Bamboo and Old Corrugated Containers Pulp Mixture
The objective of this research was to determine the optimum freeness of virgin bamboo pulp capable of increasing pulp mixture strength and decreasing the quantity of old corrugated containers (OCC) pulp substitution in the mixture. OCC was soaked for 7 days and disintegrated afterward. Soda pulping of bamboo (Gigantochloa apus) was carried out following the pulping parameters of 35% NaOH charge, L:W of 4:1, maximum temperature of 170 oC and total cooking time of 3 h. Kappa number and pulping yield were determined based on TAPPI T236 cm-85 standard. Bamboo and OCC pulp was bleached following the method of D0ED1D2. Bleached bamboo pulp was beaten up to the freeness of 100, 200, 300, and 400 ml CSF. While that of OCC was up to 400 ml CSF only. The compositions of bamboo and OCC pulp mixture (B:K) were 0:100, 20:80, 40:60, 60:40, 80:20, and 100:0. Physical and optical properties of pulp mixture were determined based on TAPPI T205 sp-02 standard. The pulp composition of (B:K) 20:80 at freeness level of 400 ml CSF was resulted in the highest strength properties based on Duncan scoring. Pulp beating was able to decrease the composition of bamboo pulp in pulp mixture while retaining the strength properties.
Key words: bamboo, beating, freeness, old corrugated containers, pulp composition
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