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Wood Research Journal

Wood Research Journal is the official journal of the Indonesian Wood Research Society. This journal is an international medium in exchanging, sharing and discussing the science and technology of wood. The journal publishes original manuscripts of basic and applied research of wood science and technology related to Anatomy, Properties, Quality Enhancement, Machining, Engineering and Constructions, Panel and Composites, Entomology and Preservation, Chemistry, Non Wood Forest Products, Pulp and Papers, Biomass Energy, and Biotechnology. Besides that, this journal also publishes review manuscripts which topics are decided by the Editors.



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Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kayu Tropis

Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kayu Tropis (JITKT) adalah jurnal resmi Masyarakat Peneliti Kayu Indonesia (MAPEKI) yang terbit sejak tahun 2003. Jurnal ini mempublikasikan artikel asli baik penelitian dasar maupun terapan di bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi kayu, bahan berlignoselulosa bukan kayu, hasil hutan lainnya dan industri hasil hutan. Selain itu, jurnal ini juga mempublikasikan artikel ulas balik (review) dengan tema yang ditentukan oleh redaksi.

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